Added up_title parameter to set the title of the widget.
Added up_reorder to invert the order of the messages. Check to display recent messages on top instead bottom (as usual in chats).
Version 1.73 [2008-03-19]
Added some ads. Sorry but I can not afford so much traffic. It is possible to remove it from your wEb mEssAgEs if you make any donation (email me to to justify).
Version 1.72 [2008-03-15]
In channel list, an external link related with the site where people leave messages on each public channel is now available.
Version 1.71 [2007-09-23]
Internet Explorer 6 support. Improvement of database searchings.
Version 1.7 [2007-09-19]:
Dinamic height, the gadget fits to iframe size (removed up_height GET parameter).
Version 1.65 [2007-09-10]:
New feature: Enable links in messages (http://…, www…, emails)
Added up_links GET parameter
Version 1.61 [2007-09-08]:
Better management of nick and message fields. Change to red color the number of active users when it is different from zero.
Version 1.6 [2007-06-25]:
Added public channels feature! (and up_channels GET parameters)
Version 1.5 [2007-06-19]:
Added auto-refresh feature! (Just click on top-right numbers to show the menu)
Version 1.48 [2007-05-27]:
Improved client-server connection
Improved warning messages
Version 1.45 [2007-05-25]:
New feature: show active users
Added up_timeusers GET parameter to adjust the time users can considered active
Version 1.35 [2007-05-09]:
Security improvement
Apologies for the accidental deletion of messages from DB… 🙁
Version 1.3 [2007-04-23]:
1 new GET parameter: up_height: establish the height of the box (adjust the iframe height according to it!)
Version 1.25 [2007-04-02]:
Popup to select one of the avaliable smilies
Enter key can be used to send messages
Added green color to up_color parameter
Important: It could be necessary to clear the browser cache in order to update the javascript and stylesheets files
Version 1.2 [2007-03-27]:
Timezone selection: use the GET parameter up_timezone to indicate your timezone (integer): …index.php?up_timezone=-3&up_color=blue
Show close button: use the GET parameter up_closebutton to hide the close button: …index.php?up_timezone=-3&up_color=blue&up_closebutton=0
Version 1.1 [2007-02-13]:
2 GET parameters are accepted :
up_usercode: invented user code to enter if there are conflicts with the default configuration. Use the code ‘GLOBAL_MESSAGES‘ to share messages with other sites: …index.php?up_color=blue&up_usercode=GLOBAL_MESSAGES